Kuvings EV0810 Whole Slow Cold Press Sleek Juicer, Quiet Motor & Quick Clean

Sale price$810.00


The Kuvings Evolution Cold Press Juicer EVO810 has a neat new design giving you more space on your bench. It has the 5th Generation Drum Set for convenient feeding of produce with no pushing. Quiet and easy to use, and clean with the Kuvings patent green cleaning brush. The smart cap is a great feature for keeping your juice in the bowl and allowing the flavours to mix together for a perfect delicious taste. As well as being very useful when rinsing before cleaning your drum set. 

Kuvings patented strong motors make it easy for you to juice all fruits and vegetables, hard, soft, and all greens. Cold Press means no oxidation, no heat or friction, and more nutrients. 20 years warranty on the motor and 5 years on the parts.



Product Dimensions

W 17.5 x D 21 x H 50 cm

Product Weight

6.7 kg


Whole juicer


Recipe book



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